Commissioned by Art Basel Hong Kong for Arto Lindsay's Paper Rain parade, Shane Aspegren and Lindsay collaborated on a roaming installation / performance comprised of ten boomboxes, which were pulled along the parade's route by five rickshaw drivers. Each boombox functions simultaneously as a standalone sound piece and as a piece of a larger sound collage, playing various sound loops which were newly created by Aspegren—using field recordings, studio sounds and extracts from prior works by both himself and Lindsay.
The individual elements acted as fragments of a disappearing soundtrack for the parade, intermittently crossing paths with each other, as well as the parade's other performers, sounds and spectators. The boomboxes ultimately merged into a single location at the end of the parade in a cacophonous collision.
Artists who participated in Paper Rain include: Korakrit Arunanodcha, Haegue Yang, Nadim Abbas, Joao Vasco Pavia, Cedric Maridet, Angela Su, Kung Chi Shing, Otomo Yoshihide, and several others.