"Ci Ha Visto Un Re (A King Saw Us)", an installation and immersive theatre performance by Shane Aspegren and Adrian Wong
Commissioned by Alcantara and curated by Davide Quadrio and Massimo Torrigiani as part of the exhibit "Ho Visto Un Re" - Palazzo Reale, Milano, Italy. October 2016
Dama di Corte: Eloisa Reverie Vezzosi
Araldo: Olivier Langhendries
La Guardia: Giovanni Abbracciavento
Other artists included in the exhibition, whose work was transformed into the sets for the performance: Maurizio Anzeri, Arthur Arbesser, Paola Besana, Gentucca Bini, Matthew Herbert, Taisuke Koyama, Francesco Simeti
Photography by Shane Aspegren, except where noted