Conceived as an alter-ego to The Berg Sans Nipple, the name Ça Va Chéri was first used by Shane Aspegren and Jérome Lorichon (AKA Lori Sean Berg) to create a commissioned soundtrack for a film that didn’t exist - "Île des sables”. After a decade, the duo were wrapping up touring for their final release as Berg and were looking to find a new approach for working together. Fast-forward a few years and a different geographical relationship (Paris <-> Hong Kong) — they decided to take up a short residency at Les Ateliers Claus in Brussels to revive the idea of Ça Va Chéri. Focused around machines, more dance-able rhythms and the Buchla synth that Lori had been building over the past few years, the residency produced hours of strikingly different sounds than the airy cinematic feeling of "Île des sables”— an album that was little-heard due to it’s original context.*
Stay tuned...
*Île des sables will be officially re-released in 2020